Heat up your happiness: Exploring Sauna bathing for Mental well-being

At With love, Bethan, we’re passionate about embracing tools that foster mental wellness and living fully expressed lives. One such tool that’s been transformative for me personally is the sauna. After a hiatus, I’m rediscovering its profound benefits as part of my healing journey, and I’m excited to share why it’s not just a sweaty chamber but a sanctuary for the mind.

Understanding the Sauna Experience

Sauna sessions trigger a cascade of physiological responses, from hormonal adjustments to cardiovascular enhancements, all aimed at restoring balance and priming the body for future stressors. But it’s not just about physical rejuvenation; the sauna offers a holistic approach to mental and emotional wellbeing.

3 Ways Saunas Enhance Mental Wellness:

  1. Reduces Inflammation: Higher levels of Inflammation is often linked to experience of depression and anxiety. Research indicates that regular sauna bathing can significantly lower biomarkers of inflammation, which may lead to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. According to research – after four weeks of regular sauna sessions individuals experienced lower inflammation and body aches alongside of reduced symptoms of depression, and anxiety.
  2. Boosting Endorphins: Sauna heat acts as a stressor, prompting the release of beta-endorphins, natural opioids renowned for their euphoric effect. Even one single session can boost your mood, after one session of sauna use saw a rapid and powerful anti-depressant effect. A 50% reduction in symptoms was observed. Which is amazing! Furthermore, this effect was still apparent 1 week later AND persisted for SIX weeks after treatment. 
  3. Increasing BDNF Levels: Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), often described as the brain’s ‘fertiliser,’ plays a crucial role in cognitive function and mood regulation. Sauna use has been shown to elevate BDNF expression significantly, this nourishment can help us in living a fully expressed life, and also offering potential relief for those experiencing mental health challenges.

Optimising Your Sauna Experience

  • Duration: Aim for around 20 minutes per session, gradually increasing based on your comfort level.
  • Frequency: Research suggests that two to three sessions per week can significantly reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, making four times a week an optimal target for maximum benefits.

Embracing Sauna Therapy for Mental Wellness

Beyond relaxation, sauna bathing can serve as a potent tool for emotional release and introspection. As a psychotherapist, I’ve witnessed its profound impact on clients and for myself. I use sauna bathing to process and manage my own emotions after a stressful day.

At With love, Bethan, we advocate for a multi-faceted approach to mental wellness, and the sauna is a valuable addition to your self-care arsenal, particularly if you’re navigating feelings of depression or anxiety. It’s time to unlock the potential of sauna therapy and embark on a journey towards radiant, fully expressed living.

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